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Blog - May 31 2022 - Image 1

Smart home solutions geared towards the elderly & disabled

May 31, 2022/Aging in place/automation/cctv

In the realm of technology, our senior and disabled friends and family have often been left in the dark. However, there are new smart home solutions that are specifically designed to empower these users to live with more independence, comfort, and convenience. Our team at SounDesign has partnered with companies that offer smart home devices that are easy to operate for users of all abilities…

Blog - Nov 30 2020 - Header

Technology for a Healthier Home

November 30, 2020/Aging in place/Automation/Covid-19/Lighting Control/Whole-House Audio

Studies show that your environment has a powerful influence on your mindset. It makes total sense that a home full of beauty and peace leads to increased creativity, happiness, and focus. Multiple aspects of your environment, like color, aroma, lights, and music, work together in impacting your mood. Your household’s health and wellness can increase with smart home automation; these…



2500 Central Parkway, Suite A, Houston, TX

